Szaszer.com is for unknown independent designers and brand-factory's overstocks/samples directly from factories stuffs cooperated. We don't produce, look for quality, style, eco-responsibility, fair price, especially labels from France, United Kingdom, United States, Sweden etc. Because of rare stock and listing irregularly, mostly new arrivals are reserved via email.

We are a two person company, all photos is taken by ourselves with iPhone 14 or Ricon without filter. In a world ruled by the frantic pace of life, Szaszer.com exists for the love and liberty, focuses on selling selected loved items without overpricing.

Name Szaszer originates from poem 'Szabadságszerelem' [Freedom, love] written by Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi.

Collection of "New Without Tag (NWOT)" could be brand-factory's samples, overproduction etc. Every item with super fair price is of rare stock without restock or waiting a long time to restock . They authentic, may have slight imperfections due to age, ruined label, replacement of label etc. 

COLLECTION of "NoBrand" is some brand inspired, most of them with rare stock could be factor samples, warehouse clearance stock etc. Every item is of good quality and fair price. They may be without label or tag.

COLLECTION of "SZASZER" is our independent designers. Our cooperated designer though not well-know but have classic design and high quality. Most items is made of natural fabric like cashmere, wool, silk etc. We hope those breathing essentials to be your long-time love.

daily work